supporting valued relationships & roles
studio, n.
1. The workplace of artists.
2. A place for learning the arts.
Designing support for valued relationships and roles is the social art of co-creating experiences that liberate people from the forces of social exclusion and increase their freedom to act as contributing citizens.

We learn together through...
...making space to let our attention rest on the heart and soul of our work.
...exploring with curiosity how ideas and practices that release creativity in other fields can enrich our work: embodying learning by making images and artifacts, and sharing music and words that inspire and sustain us.

...locating the sources of co-creation in our relationships and changing circumstances; in what we want to conserve and what to resist; in what we sense wants to be born with our help.
...striving to establish the conditions that activate probes of what more is possible: the culture, structures, and practices that raise the spirit of

The goal of art isn’t to attain perfection.
The goal is to share who we are.
And how we see the world.
– Rick Rubin
(The Creative Act - A Way of Being)